As we all know there is many topics out there that are influenced by social networking. The topic I decided to pick for this semester is Immigration. To be more exact, how social media influences immigration. The reason I chose immigration is because it hits close to home and its something I am very passionate about. As a person who constantly uses social media and reads the news online, I have seen the two sides of immigration online. the first one is the stories of families and young adults who are affected by immigration policies and even by the new president. By reading their stories it provokes sadness and sympathy but then there is the other side. The second side, we see and read about how immigrants are criminals, steal jobs from Americans and drug dealers. We can read about the murder of Kathryn Steinle who was killed by an immigrant in San Francisco. We can also read about how much drugs are being brought into the United States by smugglers who then stay in the United States. These types of articles can provoke anger and fear. Throughout the semester I want to discuss how media influences our emotions with these types of articles. Some might be lies and some are clearly real. I would also like to learn through this class how the development of the web also has an influence towards immigration. For example, before the web was so developed the only thing we could see was the text but now we can also see images and videos. So now that we have that, as we read an article about immigration the image or video can also influence our emotions. I would also like to use my blog as an information outlet, to inform people of the immigration policies we have right now like DACA. A lot of things can happen with immigration in the next couples of months so my blogs wont always stick to these issues like policies. It all depends what happens in the world but do know my blogs will stick to immigration.
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